OVAVA - Hydraulics and Environment
OVAVA - Hydraulics and Environment OVAVA - Hydraulics and Environment
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  Water Treatment

OVAVA, Engineering, Ltd. projects and installs Water Captation, Treatment and Supply Systems, therefore providing drinking or general purpose water supply for:

  • Population agglomerates;
  • Industrial plants;

The Water Treatment Plant (WTP) implantation begins with the analysis of the physico-chemical and bacteriological characteristics of the water and consequent definition of the treatment processes necessary to correct the deviations from the requirements set by the user.

Desferrização 2 m3/h
CM Oliveira de Frades
ETA - Oliveira de Frades - 150m3/h

Installation can be made in-situ or prefabricated and transported over a skid, with all equipments ready to work.